Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing

Mignon Fogarty created Grammar Girl and is the founder of the Quick and Dirty Tips Network. She has worked as an editor and producer for a number of health and science Web sites as a technical writer and entrepreneur. She holds a bachelor's degree in English from the University of Washington in Seattle and a master's degree in biology from Stanford University.

Split infinitives have you stumped? Are you afraid of using "who" when "whom" is required? Do you avoid using the words "affect" and "effect"? Grammar Girl will assist you!

Mignon Fogarty, a.k.a. Grammar Girl, is determined to eradicate bad grammar, but she also wants the process to be as painless as possible. She started a weekly podcast a few years ago to address some of the most common communication mistakes. Mignon has appeared on Oprah and in the pages of The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and USA Today, and her podcasts have been downloaded over twenty million times.

Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing, written with the wit, warmth, and accessibility that the podcasts are known for, covers the grammar rules and word-choice guidelines that can confound even the best writers. Mignon offers memory tricks and clear explanations that will help readers recall and apply those troublesome grammar rules, such as "between vs. among" and "although vs. while." Grammar Girl's print debut, packed with advice on style, business writing, and effective e-mailing, should be on every communicator's desk.

Author: Mignon Fogarty

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