The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation
Jane Straus (1954-2011) was a best-selling author and educator with extensive experience teaching English to adults. She wrote The Blue Book after discovering a lack of resources that explained English rules "in plain English." Straus also founded the well-known website
Lester Kaufman is publisher of He married Jane Straus in 1987 and eventually left his government job to help her with her website.
Tom Stern is a seasoned journalist and columnist. His bimonthly newspaper column on English grammar and usage won first place in the Better Newspapers Contest of the California Newspaper Publishers Association in 2012.
The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation is a brief, entertaining guide to English grammar, punctuation, and usage. This user-friendly resource includes simple explanations of grammar, punctuation, and usage; a plethora of useful examples; dozens of reproducible worksheets; and pre- and post-tests to assist in the teaching of grammar to students of all ages. This authoritative guide makes learning English grammar and usage simple and enjoyable for students of all ages. This updated Eleventh Edition incorporates the most recent changes to English usage and grammar, as well as a completely revised two-color design and lay-flat binding for easy photocopying. The book is considered one of the best books on English grammar to make you a stronger writer.
- Clear and concise, easy to understand, and providing "just the facts"
- Completely revised to reflect the most recent grammar and usage rules, as well as new quizzes
- Ideal for students from seventh grade to adulthood in the United States and abroad.
The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation provides comprehensive, straightforward instruction for anyone who wants to understand the major rules and subtle guidelines of English grammar and usage.
Author: Jane Straus, Lester Kaufman and Tom Stern
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Best Sellers Rank: #107,800 in Books
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#230 in Reading & Phonics Teaching Materials
#757 in Education Workbooks (Books)