
Gursan is a Saudi Arabian national meal that is produced by laying dry, paper-thin sheets of bread atop meat and vegetables in a broth until the bread absorbs all of the aromatic liquids. The end result is rich, nutritious, and hearty, which is why the meal is popular across the country.

Gursan is a popular main dish in the Najd (Riyadh) region. At home, traditional Gursan is baked. The finely spread dough of whole flour, water, and salt is baked. Then, on top of the Gursan, a special meat sauce is created. Gursan is now pre-baked and offered in supermarkets. It's served with a choice of beef, chicken, or veggies.

Gursan is commonly served with a variety of meats, chicken, and vegetables. It's also available in pre-baked form, which you can find in most supermarkets. If you intend to travel to Saudi Arabia, Gursan is one of the must-try dishes.
Photo: Josefina Ramos mommy of all KSA tiktokers's Youtube Channel
Photo: Josefina Ramos mommy of all KSA tiktokers's Youtube Channel

Top 10 Best Saudi Arabian Foods

  1. top 1 Kabsa
  2. top 2 Shawarma
  3. top 3 Harees
  4. top 4 Gursan
  5. top 5 Hininy
  6. top 6 Tharıd
  7. top 7 Saleeg
  8. top 8 Dajaj mashwi
  9. top 9 Ma'amoul
  10. top 10 Jalamah

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