Hades is the series' main antagonist, serving as the unseen overarching antagonist of the first game, Kid Icarus, and the main antagonist of Kid Icarus: Uprising. He is the extremely powerful and authoritative God of Evil who rules over the Underworld and seeks to take over creation. In the Japanese version, he was voiced by Hōchū Ōtsuka, and in the English version, by S. Scott Bullock.
Hades is a demonic humanoid deity with purple skin and a red-eye tattoo. He is enormous, standing over a hundred meters tall. He has red, green, and pink hair that is long and flowing. He wears grotesquely designed robes and clothing with asymmetrical shapes, as well as a cape that appears to be made of darkness and fire. He has red lines running up his arms and legs. The inside of his body is completely chaotic in design, with even skies, grind rails, and surreal structures appearing frequently throughout Kid Icarus: Uprising's levels.
First appearance: Kid Icarus: Uprising