Marx appears as a recurring antagonist in the Kirby franchise. He is a rogue determined to rule the planet Pop Star by any means necessary. He is one of the two main antagonists (along with King Dedede) in Kirby Super Star and its remake Kirby Super Star Ultra, a minor antagonist in Kirby Mass Attack serving as the main antagonist of one of its sub-games, Kirby Brawlball, a cameo character in Kirby's Return to Dream Land, Kirby: Triple Deluxe, and Kirby: Planet Robobot, and a playable character in Kirby Star Allies.
Despite appearing nice and having a mischievous and playful personality, Marx is evil, wicked, malevolent, and cunning on the inside. When a plan does not go as planned, he becomes enraged and will do anything to make it right again. Marx is also extremely intelligent and manipulative, having tricked the sun and moon into fighting. Marx, on the other hand, appears to have cleaned up his act in Kirby Star Allies. Marx appears ravenous as well; according to the Kirby Star Allies pause description, he will follow those who feed him.
First appearance: Kirby