The series of Jujutsu Kaisen features Hanami as its opponent. He was a particular grade-cursed spirit of undeclared alignment with Jogo, Dagon, and Mahito. Hanami was created out of a dread of land-based natural disasters and a desire to purge humanity from the planet for its abuse of the environment.
Hanami is the kind of spirit that protects the world that humans have been mistreating for a very long time. He merely wants to slaughter people to sacrifice them as sages to a more peaceful world ruled by cursed spirits who would treat the planet with reverence.
Even if Jogo or Mahito have more cursed energy than Hanami does, Satoru thinks that Hanami is the more dangerous Curse. Hanami is incredibly tough and can easily deflect the majority of attacks from weapons and techniques.
Additionally, Hanami can withstand injuries that would render most sorcerers or Curses ineffective, thanks to her capacity to absorb lifeforce from her surroundings. Hanami is a cursed spirit of exceptional quality, with an exceptionally resilient body, powerful cursed abilities capable of controlling plants, and an incredible ability to conceal his existence more efficiently than others.
Hanami's Disaster Plants Technique is incredibly adaptable and may be utilized to change the environment, divert attention away from, and weaken, as well as speed up, her movement. Hanami has an extremely hard shell on his body that can break Kasumi Miwa's sword on hit. He also easily avoided Noritoshi Kamo's Slicing Exorcism attack despite it hitting the side of his skull. A clean slice from Megumi's sword inflicted no damage to Hanami's leg.