Hebe Was Believed to be Born After Hera ate Lettuce

Zeus and Hera had one daughter, Hebe, who was the youngest. Hera had her after consuming a lettuce plant. Zeus visited the earth, outer space, and many other regions when he assumed the throne of Mount Olympus. Everywhere he went, from mortals to gods, he had lovers. From each of his lovers, he had multiple children who were not his. Hera was enraged by it, and she tormented his affair-born children. Hercules was one of the casualties.
She gave birth on her own after growing tired of Zeus' business. She went to the realm of Oceanus and Tethys at the edge of the world in search of a way. She walked to Flora's garden and stroked a sole there. It was an unnamed plant from the Olene region. Hera became pregnant with Ares by her touch. She was with her son Apollo when she later made her way back to the garden. They shared a meal there. She discovered lettuce while eating and consumed it. She became pregnant with Hebe after eating the lettuce.