Hebe Was The Patron Of Brides

Hebe, a symbol of marriage, served as Aphrodite's bridesmaid. Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty, and sexuality. She was said to be Aphrodite's herald, dancing with her.
Hebe's marriage also vindicates her reputation as a bride patron. Heracles, who was renowned for his prowess and his Twelve Labors, was her husband. Heracles was originally a demigod because he was born of a mortal mother, but he eventually attained immortality. When Heracles was made god on his cremation pyre at Mount Olympus, the couple got married. Hebe served as a cup bearer at Olympus, but after getting married, she stopped doing so.
Hera, her mother, had been Heracles' adversary all his life. Her daughter's wedding left her feeling unsatisfied. Heracles and his stepmother Hera were reunited during a wedding. Hebe's gift of immortal youth only made things worse and fanned Hera's rage. Since then, Hebe has been honored alongside Aphrodite and Hera whenever there is a wedding in Ancient Greece. Girls who were single idolized her to attract boyfriends.