Hebe Was The Goddess Of Youth And The Prime Of Life

One of Zeus' Twelve Olympians was Hebe. Like every other Olympian, she was given a specific goal to do. She was meant to present a nectar that might bestow eternal youth and beauty. Many other Olympian gods and those in need received this gift, as well. One of the interesting facts about Hebe is she became the Goddess of youth or the prime of life when she was given this responsibility.
She was approached by several deities who asked her for assistance with their issues with feeling old. They had to persuade her before she could respond to them. When she believed something should be done to a certain person, she provided her approval.
Iolaus once asked Hebe to make him young again so he might battle Eurystheus, and she once did. Iolaus was of an age where the enemy could beat him. This tale is taken from the play Heracleidae by Euripides. Hebe was initially hesitant to endow the elderly man with the vigor and vigor of a young warrior. But Themis, a seer, persuaded her that her talent could put a stop to the conflict. She then transformed Iolaus into a youthful, formidable warrior.
She was the Fountain of Youth's caretaker as well. The fountain was portrayed as a spring that would naturally rejuvenate a person. The goddess represented this energy of youth and immortality in many ways.