Helps prevent iron deficiency
Iron is a vital nutrient that plays a number of roles in the body. It's needed for the production of red blood cells and the transportation of oxygen throughout the body. Supplementing with vitamin C can help in the absorption of iron from the diet. Vitamin C helps in the transformation of iron that is difficult to absorb, such as iron from vegetables, into a form that is simpler to absorb. This is especially beneficial for vegetarians and vegans, as meat is a key source of iron.
In fact, just 100 mg of vitamin C per day can boost iron absorption by 67%. As a result, vitamin C may help in the prevention of anemia in people who are iron deficient. A vitamin C supplement was provided to 65 children with mild iron deficiency anemia in one trial. Researchers discovered that only taking the supplement helped them control their anemia. If you have low iron levels, increasing your intake of vitamin C-rich foods or taking a vitamin C supplement may help.