Hibike! Euphonium 2
Hibike! An anime series called Euphonium was created based on a Japanese novel by author Ayano Takeda. The movie was made by Kyoto Animation, which is renowned for having received several nominations for best humanities film. The film Hibike! Euphonium is excellent music for all people.
The characters at this symphonic club serve as the center of the movie. After the club disbanded, a new mentor made an effort to get it going again. The club eventually thrived under the rigor and tenacity of the new adviser, and its members improved and grew more industrious. Hibike! Euphonium is not just an anime about music, but it is a movie about hardships, ambitions, disappointments, friendship and life.
Regarding the movie's visuals, they are vibrant and amazing. The audio and visual elements of this anime work together harmoniously. Regarding the sound, it is light in every scene, conveys a lot of wonderful feelings, and has a wonderfully alluring theme. Kyoto Animation performed a terrific job with the animation's fluidity while the characters played musical instruments. The movie does a great job of portraying the characters. Each character's struggles are depicted truthfully. And last, you shouldn't miss this excellent musical animation because of all its elements, and it is true that to call it the best music anime of all time.
Directed by: Tatsuya Ishihara; Naoko Yamada
Aired: Oct 6, 2016 to Dec 29, 2016
Duration: 23 min/ ep
MAL rank: 235