This humorous anime series, with its cast of quirky characters, could appeal to fans of music and slice-of-life anime. K-On! is a straightforward tale about going through high school and the experiences you have there. Yui Hirasawa has recently begun high school and is looking for a club to join since she wants to try something new. Fortunately, the Light Music Club is searching for a new member to play the guitar and save their club from being closed down at the same time. Together, the girls start their band and start their high school careers when Yui decides to take guitar lessons and join the Light Music Club.
The OP of K-On! is simple to follow. Every episode should begin with this song because the "no, no, no" is friggin' adorable, the words rhyme and skip fantastically, and the various vocalists work well with the upbeat tempo. The ED is also one of the most famous of tons of people. Along with the already present punk or rock-n-roll vibe, the seven-syllable lyrics and non-singing guitar sections provide an excellent groove. It's just too amazing, especially with the graphics where the cast wears different clothes.
Furthermore, The show looks fantastic from an animation standpoint, with well-executed character motions, movements, and facial expressions (detailed, minimalist, charming, etc.). The program maintains a reasonable level of quality even while taking images from great distances.
Directed by: Naoko Yamada
Aired: Apr 3, 2009 to Jun 26, 2009
Duration: 24 min/ ep
MAL rank: 847