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High in antioxidants

Free radicals are unstable chemicals that can cause cell harm. Some free radicals are produced naturally, for example, when you exercise or digest food. However, excessive free radicals might be produced as a result of exposure to pollutants, cigarette smoke, and solar radiation. Excessive free radical damage can cause serious health concerns. It has been related to inflammation, accelerated aging, heart disease, and some malignancies, for example. Piperine, a plant chemical found in black pepper, has been shown in test-tube tests to have powerful antioxidant capabilities.

According to research, a diet high in antioxidants may help avoid or delay the harmful effects of free radicals. Ground black pepper and piperine supplements have been shown in test tubes and rat experiments to minimize free radical damage. After 10 weeks, rats fed a high-fat diet plus either black pepper or a concentrated black pepper extract had considerably fewer free radical damage indicators in their cells than rats fed a high-fat diet alone.

High in antioxidants
High in antioxidants
High in antioxidants
High in antioxidants

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