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May have cancer-fighting properties

Piperine, the main ingredient in black pepper, may have cancer-fighting qualities, according to researchers. Despite the lack of human trials, test-tube research revealed that piperine inhibited the proliferation of breast, prostate, and colon cancer cells and triggered cancer cell death. Another test-tube study looked at 55 chemicals derived from spices and discovered that piperine from black pepper was the most beneficial at improving the efficacy of standard treatment for triple-negative breast cancer, the most aggressive type of cancer.

Furthermore, piperine has demonstrated promising results in laboratory experiments for overcoming multidrug resistance in cancer cells – a problem that impairs chemotherapy treatment efficacy. Though these findings are encouraging, additional research is needed to fully understand the potential cancer-fighting capabilities of black pepper and piperine.

May have cancer-fighting properties
May have cancer-fighting properties
May have cancer-fighting properties
May have cancer-fighting properties

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