High in fiber and low in calories

Gooseberries are high in fiber but low in energy, so you can eat a healthy amount without gaining weight. In fact, 1 cup (150 grams) of gooseberries provides just more than 3% of the average person's total daily calorie requirements, making them a healthy, low-calorie snack. Furthermore, studies suggest that consuming berries might help you lose weight and eat fewer calories overall.

One tiny research, for example, discovered that individuals who ate berries as a snack consumed 130 fewer calories at their next meal than those who ate the same number of calories from sweets. Gooseberries are also high in both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. One cup (150 grams) of gooseberries has 26% of the daily value for fiber, making it an excellent option to increase your consumption. Insoluble fiber adds weight and consistency to your stool, but soluble fiber slows the flow of food in your stomach, which can lessen appetite and promote feelings of fullness.

High in fiber and low in calories
High in fiber and low in calories
High in fiber and low in calories
High in fiber and low in calories

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