High School DxD
"High School DxD" is a popular anime series that falls into the genres of harem, supernatural, and ecchi. The story revolves around Issei Hyoudou, a high school student who lives a fairly ordinary life until he is killed by a supernatural being known as a fallen angel. However, a beautiful devil named Rias Gremory brings him back to life and becomes her loyal helper. Issei soon finds himself in a world where angels, fallen angels, and demons coexist.
He is part of a club at his school called the Occult Research Club, and together with other club members, including Rias and her group of devils, they become involved in various supernatural battles and adventures. Issei's primary goal is to become a powerful devil and have a group of beautiful women interested in him romantically. This focus on romance and relationships is a prominent feature of "High School DxD," along with its humorous and occasionally risqué content.
The anime blends elements of fantasy battles, humor, romance, and mature content. It also explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and personal growth as Issei matures as a character and works to protect those he cares about.
"High School DxD" has garnered a solid following among fans of mature romance and fantasy genres. Its unique combination of supernatural elements, humor, and adult-oriented content has made it a hit. The series has produced several seasons, including "High School DxD New," "High School DxD BorN," and "High School DxD Hero".
Detailed information:
- Directed by: Yanagisawa Tetsuya
- Released: January 6, 2012 – March 23, 2012
- Genre: Ecchi, Harem, Supernatural, Comedy, Action, Romance
- Link to watch: https://www.hulu.com/series/high-school-dxd-4b0f2a36-db9e-4820-b39d-80b8e14f7ffc