The "Tsugumomo" anime is about a high school student named Kazuya Kagami, who has a special keepsake from his late mother - a sash called an obi. But this sash is no ordinary piece of clothing; it's a powerful spirit called a tsukumogami that can take on a physical form. This spirit, named Kiriha, often appears as a traditional Japanese girl in a kimono and has a strong-willed and mischievous personality.
As Kazuya goes about his daily life, he discovers that there are harmful supernatural creatures known as amaro in the world, and they are attracted to him because of the powerful tsukumogami he possesses. To protect himself and those he cares about, Kazuya makes a pact with Kiriha, and they work together to fight these malicious spirits. Along the way, they meet other characters who also have their tsukumogami, which adds to the supernatural aspects of the story.
"Tsugumomo" blends action, supernatural elements, comedy, and ecchi content. While there are battles and action scenes in the series, it also focuses on the relationships between the characters, the history of tsukumogami, and Kazuya's personal growth as he becomes more skilled at dealing with supernatural threats. The anime has gained popularity among fans of paranormal and ecchi-themed anime.
Detailed information:
- Directed by: Ryōichi Kuraya
- Released: April 3, 2017 – June 19, 2017
- Genre: Supernatural, Harem, Comedy, Action, Ecchi
- Link to watch: https://www.hulu.jp/tsugumomo