The Asterisk War
"The Asterisk War" is a popular action-fantasy anime series based on a light novel written by Yuu Miyazaki. The story is set in a futuristic world where cities are enclosed by large, see-through domes and are ruled by various academies. These academies specialize in training students in combat using advanced technology and magic.
The main character, Ayato Amagiri, joins Seidoukan Academy, one of these schools. He aims to locate his sister, who disappeared after participating in a secretive competition called the "Phoenix Festa." At Seidoukan Academy, Ayato meets Julis-Alexia von Riessfeld, a powerful and fiery princess known as the "Witch of the Resplendent Flames." Together, they become partners to compete in the Phoenix Festa and pursue their objectives.
In "The Asterisk War," students engage in intense battles using special weapons called lux, which harness supernatural powers. Each student possesses unique lux, and these battles happen in arenas where participants demonstrate their combat skills and tactics.
The anime explores themes like friendship, rivalry, personal growth, and the complexities of life in a competitive academy. "The Asterisk War" is praised for its high-quality animation, character development, and thrilling combat scenes.
Detailed information:
- Directed by: Manabu Ono and Kenji Seto
- Released: October 3, 2015 – June 18, 2016
- Genre: Action, Fantasy, and Harem
- Link to watch: