Hollywood Institute
Hollywood Institute is the last name on the list of the best esthetician schools in US. It offers professional instruction and training to people who want to work in fields related to wellness, beauty, and health. The team of seasoned business experts at Hollywood Institute possesses both the necessary level of formal education and real-world experience in their respective fields of study.
Hollywood Institute has received approval from the U.S. Department of Education to offer Title IV Financial Aid to eligible students, and it is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC). The Florida Department of Education's Commission for Independent Education (CIE) has granted it a license.
Designed with entry-level students in mind who have no prior knowledge of the subject matter in mind. The curriculum emphasizes professional development, clinical application, theory, and the specialized skills and knowledge required for today's marketplace.
The curriculum of the Cosmetology Program at Hollywood Institute is designed to cover all aspects of cosmetology, including hair cutting, styling, coloring, skin care, nail technology, makeup application, and salon management. Students are introduced to the latest techniques, trends, and industry practices, ensuring they stay ahead of the curve and meet the demands of clients and employers.
To enhance the learning experience, Hollywood Institute also provides students with opportunities for real-world exposure. This includes participation in industry events, competitions, and collaborations, allowing students to showcase their talent and network with industry leaders. Such experiences help build confidence, professionalism, and connections within the beauty industry.
Founded: 1989
Address: 420 S State Rd 7, Hollywood, FL 33023, US
Phone: 800 872 4663
Email: info@hi.edu
Tuition: $12.325
Website: https://www.hi.edu/