How do you respond to constructive criticism?
You've gotten good at offering helpful criticism, but what about receiving criticism rather than providing it? It can be quite challenging to accept constructive criticism without becoming defensive. Even though you understand that someone is providing comments to assist you, it's natural to feel a little defensive when getting criticism—regardless of how useful it may be.
This response is open to suggestions for improvement and welcomes them in a credible and responsible manner. Also, it demonstrates your bravery and ability to maintain composure under pressure from others in challenging circumstances. The organization requires these individuals to prevent frequent arguments and disagreements during teamwork.
Even though I don't like it, I appreciate and actively seek out constructive criticism since it pushes me to improve. While I have a strong sense of self and am aware that every mistake is real, it rarely affects how I conduct myself professionally. When I am corrected, I make an effort to fully comprehend what went wrong in order to steer clear of making the same error again. I also consider what new abilities I can pick up and look for instruments for self-evaluation that I can use to track my advancement.