I Became The Emperor’s Daughter One Day
"I Became The Emperor's Daughter One Day" is a renowned manhwa that takes readers on a journey through a magical world filled with intrigue and determination. The story begins with a car accident that unexpectedly transports the protagonist into a new life as a baby in a mystical realm. Through a series of events, she manages to win a competition and is adopted by the emperor, becoming a princess.
However, unlike her fellow adopted princesses who receive lavish treatment, she is forced to live in a modest firewood house and faces relentless bullying from her peers. Undeterred, she resolves to fight back and show her indomitable spirit. This determination catches the attention of the enigmatic emperor, who finds her intriguing.
"I Became The Emperor's Daughter One Day" is a tale of resilience, courage, and the pursuit of justice as the protagonist navigates the challenges of her new life and strives to make her mark in the emperor's court. With its unique blend of fantasy and drama, this manhwa keeps readers eagerly turning the pages to see how the young princess will overcome her adversity and win the emperor's favor.
- Authors: Hamster Ning Ning, Xue Xiao Tu
- Genres: Comedy, Magical, Romance, Shoujo, Slice of Life
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 303
- Read here: https://shorturl.at/bjmNR