Who Made Me a Princess
"Who Made Me a Princess" is a famous Manhwa that delves into the enchanting world of romance, comedy, and fantasy. The story follows Athanasia, a beautiful princess who tragically met her demise at the hands of her own father, the ruthless Emperor Claude de Alger Obelia. What initially seems like a mere bedtime story takes an unexpected twist when a modern-day woman wakes up to discover she has become Athanasia, facing the impending doom of her predecessor.
The narrative follows Athanasia's struggle to survive her ill-fated destiny, presenting three intriguing options: Plan A, living in obscurity to evade the notorious emperor's attention; Plan B, accumulating enough wealth to escape the confines of the palace; or Plan C, charming her way into her father's favor.
With its gripping storyline and a blend of romance, comedy, and fantasy elements, "Who Made Me a Princess" offers readers a thrilling and emotionally engaging journey into the world of royalty, intrigue, and unexpected twists. This Manhwa is sure to captivate fans of the genre with its unique take on a classic fairy tale premise.
- Authors: Plutus, Spoon
- Genres: Royalty, Fantasy, Family
- Status: Finished
- Chapters: 125
- Read here: https://www.tappytoon.com/en/book/whoprincess