Your Throne
"Your Throne" is a renowned manhwa that fantastical tale revolves around Lady Medea Solon, who finds herself in a precarious situation after losing her position beside Crown Prince Eros. The empire is a kingdom ruled jointly by the powerful Imperial Family and the enigmatic Temple, and tensions are simmering beneath its tranquil facade.
Determined to regain her rightful place, Lady Medea embarks on a journey filled with ambition and intrigue. The story promises a gripping narrative as she navigates a world where politics, power struggles, and secrets intertwine. As readers follow Medea's quest to reclaim her throne, they are sure to be drawn into a web of complex characters and unpredictable twists. "Your Throne" is a riveting blend of fantasy, drama, and suspense that will keep fans eagerly turning the pages, anxiously awaiting each new development in this intriguing manhwa.
- Author: SAM
- Genres: Fantasy
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 167
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