I Want to Eat Your Pancrase
"I Want to Eat Your Pancrase" is a prominent anime series that successfully combines the adrenaline-pumping world of mixed martial arts with elements of the supernatural, creating a unique and thrilling viewing experience. The anime follows the story of Kyo, a seemingly ordinary high school student who possesses an insatiable appetite for Pancrase, a real-life mixed martial arts discipline. However, Kyo's life takes an unexpected turn when he discovers his ability to absorb the skills of defeated opponents after devouring their Pancrase skills.
In this action-packed anime, Kyo uses his newfound power to pursue his dream of becoming the Pancrase world champion. Along the way, he encounters formidable opponents, and dangerous secrets, and uncovers the hidden supernatural world intertwining with the martial arts community. "I Want to Eat Your Pancrase" masterfully balances intense fight sequences with moments of humor, friendship, and self-discovery.
As an anime that blends sports and supernatural elements, "I Want to Eat Your Pancrase" offers a refreshing twist to the sports genre. With its unique premise, compelling storyline, and vibrant animation, the series appeals to both martial arts enthusiasts and fans of supernatural anime. If you're drawn to dynamic fight scenes or want to explore the intriguing connections between martial arts and the unseen world, "I Want to Eat Your Pancrase" is sure to satisfy your appetite for thrilling anime.
- Directed: Shinichiro Ushijima
- Production company: Studio VOLN
- Released: July 24, 2018
- Box office: $6.2 million
- Watch here: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7236034/