Weathering With You
"Weathering With You" is a well-known anime film that takes viewers on a magical journey through the unpredictable weather of Tokyo. Directed by Makoto Shinkai, the visionary behind the acclaimed "Your Name," this anime follows the story of Hodaka, a high school boy who escapes to the bustling city from his rural hometown. There, he encounters Hina, a mysterious girl with the power to control the weather. As their relationship deepens, they embark on an extraordinary adventure, navigating their own personal struggles and unraveling the secrets of Hina's abilities.
With its breathtaking visuals and a touching soundtrack by Radwimps, "Weathering With You" evokes a sense of wonder and emotion, captivating audiences of all ages. This anime serves as a reminder that weather can be a powerful force that connects and affects us all while highlighting the importance of cherishing every moment.
- Author: Makoto Shinkai
- Production companies: CoMix Wave Films, Story Inc.
- Released: July 19, 2019
- Box office: $193.8 million
- Watch here: