Only Yesterday
"Only Yesterday" is a critically acclaimed anime film directed by Isao Takahata and produced by Studio Ghibli. Released in 1991, it follows the story of Taeko Okajima, a 27-year-old woman who takes a trip to the countryside and reflects on her childhood memories and life choices.
The film beautifully portrays the contrast between rural and urban life, illustrating the struggle to balance traditional values with modern aspirations. "Only Yesterday" explores themes of self-discovery, the importance of nostalgia, and the pursuit of dreams, resonating deeply with viewers of all ages.
One of the film's strengths lies in its realistic characters and relatable storytelling. Taeko's journey of self-reflection and her encounters with memorable characters make for a compelling narrative. The delicate animation perfectly captures the essence of the Japanese countryside, immersing the audience in the tranquil and stunning landscapes.
"Only Yesterday" stands out as a timeless masterpiece, celebrating the power of introspection and personal growth. With its heartfelt storytelling and stunning visuals, this anime continues to captivate audiences worldwide, showcasing the brilliance of Studio Ghibli once again.
- Directed: Isao Takahata
- Production company: Studio Ghibli
- Released: July 20, 1991
- Box office: ¥3.18 billion
- Watch here: