Ibirayi (Rwandan version of French fries)

This is the Rwandan version of french fries, with a slight twist. That is in the process of being made! Locals prepare them by first slicing young, unpeeled potatoes into halves. Then, add water and spices to a pot and bring to a boil. Deep-fry them again until golden brown and crispy.
Rwandans prefer it with mayonnaise or Pili Pili. They go perfectly with brochettes. They are most commonly found in bars and restaurants, and locals frequently pair them with beer.
Sweet potatoes are also used in the preparation of these fries. It is also spelled "Ibiraya" or "Ikirayi".
If you plan a trip to Rwanda in the future, try this dish at least once. Your trip will not be complete without trying this dish. Many visitors are surprised by its unique taste and say that they had a good experience with it.