In addition to publishing several articles on a wide range of subjects, Erwin Schrödinger was the author of well-known books.
During this period, Schrödinger continued his research and wrote several articles on a range of subjects, including the still-unsolved challenge of uniting gravity and electromagnetic, which also interested Einstein. The origins of atomic physics continued to have a deep fascination for him. The widely recognized dual description in terms of waves and particles, with a statistical interpretation for the waves, did not sit well with Schrödinger, who attempted to construct a theory in terms of waves alone. He became embroiled in a dispute about this with other eminent scientists.
“What Is Life?”, Schrödinger's effort to connect quantum physics with biology, was a significant book that he wrote that was released in 1944. He is making an effort to show how genetics and quantum physics could be related. In the field of molecular biology, his book has become a helpful resource. His final work, My View of the World (1961), which was influenced by Vedanta and examined the idea of united consciousness, as well as Nature and the Greeks (1954), which examined ancient belief systems and questions, demonstrate his proficiency in philosophy and metaphysics.