Jabal An Nabī Shu‘ayb

Nabi and Jabal Shu'ayb, one of the highest mountains in Yemen, is found in the governorate of Sana'a. It has a prominence of 10,912 feet and is located at an elevation of 12,028 feet above sea level. The mountain's etymology is biblical. A mountain is referred to as Jabal in Arabic, while a prophet is referred to as Nabi.

It is relatively difficult to be allowed to its summit, but restrictions have eased as of late. Although the summit is not snow-capped like its counterparts in northern Lebanon and Syria, there have been reports of snow on the peak and frost in the winter. Wind speeds are very high at the summit.

In April 2019, Ahmad Zein Al-Yafei, an Emirati security officer from Dubai, claimed scaling the mountain in 69 hours, unfurling the banner of Dubai Police at the peak, mentioned that reaching the summit was hard, long and tiring, having to go through low levels of oxygen, air pressure and temperature.

Location: Bani Matar District, Sanaa Governorate, Yemen.

Elevation: 3,760m

Photo source: Wikipedia
Photo source: Wikipedia
Photo source: Wikipedia
Photo source: Wikipedia

Top 5 Highest Mountains in Yemen

  1. top 1 Jabal An Nabī Shu‘ayb
  2. top 2 Jabal Al Qullah
  3. top 3 Jabal Shakhab ‘Ammar
  4. top 4 Jabal ‘Ayban
  5. top 5 Jabal Rihqah

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