Jabal Shakhab ‘Ammar

With an elevation of 3218 feet above sea level, Jabal Shakhab ‘Ammar is found in An Nadirah. Ibb is the highest administrative division. There is no written record of the first ascent.

In DMS (Degrees Minutes Seconds), its coordinates are 14°8'43" N and 44°29'34" E, or 14.1453 and 44.4928. (in decimal degrees). MA46 is its UTM position, and ND38-06 is its Joint Operation Graphics reference.

The sun rises at 08:56 and sets at 21:03 local time (Asia/Aden UTC/GMT+3); the current local time is 21:02. UTC/GMT+3 is the standard time zone for Jabal Shakhab 'Ammar.

DST begins on - and finishes on - in 2022.

A mountain is a high point that rises high above the surrounding area and has a tiny summit area, steep slopes, and a local relief of 300 meters or more.

Location: An Nadirah

Elevation: 3 195 m

Photo source: PsychLander
Photo source: PsychLander
Photo source: Dreamstime.com
Photo source: Dreamstime.com

Top 5 Highest Mountains in Yemen

  1. top 1 Jabal An Nabī Shu‘ayb
  2. top 2 Jabal Al Qullah
  3. top 3 Jabal Shakhab ‘Ammar
  4. top 4 Jabal ‘Ayban
  5. top 5 Jabal Rihqah

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