Jules Verne was pessimistic about the future role of science
Jules Verne was very inspiring about the development and potential of science, but he did not share that optimism. He did not believe, as some did in his time, that science would ultimately resolve all of society's issues, an interesting fact about Jules Verne.
Due to Hetzel's effect on his work, his perspective is not entirely apparent. His publisher urged him to focus on topics that readers would be interested in. Verne was urged to maintain a positive attitude and a cheerful demeanor.
Is the darker tone in his writing at the end of his life related to the bitterness of his advanced age? Or is it a result of Jules Verne's freedom to express himself following Hetzel's death in 1886? The clearest example of Jules Verne's pessimism and Hetzel's censoring is found in the posthumously released book Paris in the Twentieth Century.