Jules Verne was shot with a gun
Jules Verne led a quiet, contemplative life and never actively participated in the literary and political controversies of the day. He had neither enemies nor fierce rivals. Jules Verne was shot in 1885 despite this. Gaston Verne, his nephew, was the offender. One afternoon, Gaston was waiting in Jules Verne's home when he arrived, and he started shooting at him. Jules Verne took a blow to the legs. Jules Verne was unable to have the bullet removed, and he was forced to live with a limp.
Jules Verne may consider himself fortunate to escape with only this, but the incident had a significant negative effect on his mental state. He had to give up his favorite pastime, sailing. Gaston's motivations were never made known. Gaston's father claimed that he wished to draw attention to Jules Verne in order to encourage his acceptance into the Académie Française. Gaston Verne spent the remainder of his life in an asylum since he was thought to be insane.