
top 7
Linh Hoàng

Keeper is suitable for freelancers looking for a single outlet to file taxes. This app links directly to your credit card and bank account to import your expense transactions. This makes it easy to organize all your digital receipts. Plus, the app is available for both Android and iOS devices. This app has reached the ranks of the best receipt apps.

First, the software automatically scans your purchases to automatically find tax deductions based on your work. Then the accountant stepped in to review the results. If they're unsure about a purchase, they'll text you for details.

Keeper is the greatest receipt scanning app for 1099 taxpayers, not just because of this human interaction. Additionally, it aids 1099-eligible earners in reducing their tax burden. Because they don't keep track of their company costs, contract employees over pay their taxes on average by 21%. You can keep track of your write-offs with the aid of Keeper.


  • Android:
  • iOS:



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Top 10 Best Receipt Apps

  1. top 1 Expensify
  2. top 2 Clear Scanner
  3. top 3 QuickBooks
  4. top 4 Dext
  5. top 5 Smart Receipts
  6. top 6 Tinny Scanner
  7. top 7 Keeper
  8. top 8 FreshBooks
  9. top 9 Abukai
  10. top 10 Wave

Toplist Joint Stock Company
Address: 3rd floor, Viet Tower Building, No. 01 Thai Ha Street, Trung Liet Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi City, Vietnam
Phone: +84369132468 - Tax code: 0108747679
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