Tinny Scanner

Another noteworthy entry on our list of the best receipt apps is Tiny Scanner. Designed for iOS and Android, this app enables users to swiftly create PDF files by capturing images with their smartphones.
The real advantage comes into play when dealing with substantial volumes of documents, as Tiny Scanner utilizes optical character recognition (OCR) engines. This means it can automatically identify letters and numbers in images and other documents, thereby saving you a remarkable amount of time.
However, it's important to note that Tiny Scanner is solely available for Android devices and offers limited customer support through email. Despite this drawback, the app boasts AI-powered OCR tools that excel at recognizing handwriting and supporting multiple languages, making it a compelling option. To unlock this valuable functionality, users can opt for a subscription priced at $3.99 per month—a reasonable cost that caters to all, considering the convenience provided by this service.
- Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appxy.tinyscanner&hl=en&gl=US
- iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tiny-scanner-pdf-scan-ocr-app/id595563753
Website: https://apps.beesoft.io/TinyScanner/HomePage