Lookism is a thought-provoking Manhwa that delves into the societal obsession with physical appearance and its impacts. The narrative follows Daniel, an unattractive outsider who, after a supernatural experience, finds himself in a new, taller, and more appealing body.
As he navigates the world in this new form, Daniel confronts the highs and lows of newfound attractiveness, while also grappling with the challenges of maintaining his identity and concealing his secret. The story addresses themes of identity, self-worth, and the influence of external factors on one's life.
While the series initially garnered praise for its exploration of appearance-related issues, some readers have noted a shift in the later arcs, citing inconsistencies, plot holes, and a departure from the original tone. Despite this, Lookism remains a compelling and introspective read with its unique take on societal beauty standards and the complexities of identity.
- Author: Taejun Pak
- Genre: Drama
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 469
- Read here: https://shorturl.at/bnyF8