Noblesse is a captivating manhwa that follows the story of Rai, who awakens from an 820-year slumber and assimilates into high school life under the care of his devoted servant, Frankenstein. Initially embarking on a peaceful journey alongside human classmates, Rai's tranquility is disrupted by enigmatic adversaries called the Unions. This compelling narrative unfolds within a backdrop of action, comedy, and supernatural elements, offering readers an engaging and immersive experience.
Authored and illustrated by Jeho Son and Kwangsu Lee, Noblesse boasts an impressive overall rating of 8 out of 10 and is lauded for its compelling storyline (rated at 9 out of 10) and striking artwork (rated at 8.5 out of 10). Successfully blending drama, humor, and the supernatural, Noblesse stands as a webtoon worthy of readers' time and attention, delivering a memorable and emotionally resonant journey.
- Authors: Jeho Son, Kwangsu Lee
- Genres: Action
- Status: Finished
- Chapters: 50
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