The Beginning After the End
The Beginning After End is a prominent manhwa (Korean comic) that has captivated readers with its intriguing tale and creative world-building. The Manhwa is set in a medieval fantasy world and chronicles the story of Arthur Leywin, a former king who is resurrected into a realm full of magic and mysterious animals.
Arthur begins a mission to seek his actual identity and fulfill his destiny as he adjusts to his new existence. The manhwa effectively combines aspects of action, adventure, fantasy, and even romance. The Beginning After the End immerses readers in a fascinating tale with its sophisticated plot twists and well-developed characters.
This manhwa's artwork is beautiful, with rich graphics that bring Arthur and his companions' world to life. Furthermore, the conversation is fascinating, providing dimension to the tale and improving the entire reading experience.
Finally, The Beginning After the End is an enthralling voyage packed with enchantment, adventure, and self-discovery. It's a must-read for fantasy manhwa aficionados who value well-crafted content and fascinating artwork.
- Author(s): Guem-Gang-Bul-Gae, Han-Joong-Wueol-Ya
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 175.5
- Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Sci-fi
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