Mashed banana
Top 4 in Top 6 Best Substitutes for Lard

Mash bananas are another vegan and low-calorie option for fat. Banana mash works well in baked foods and adds more nutrients to the dish. Mashed bananas allow you to reduce the calorie level of many dishes while adding extra nutrients. This fruit is particularly abundant in potassium, fiber, and vitamins B6 and C. In baked products such as bread, cakes, and muffins, use 1/2 cup (113 grams) of mashed bananas for each cup (205 grams) of lard.
Keep in mind, however, that mashed bananas will not work well as cooking oil or in savory meals. To compensate for the inherent sweetness of bananas, you may need to alter some of the other components in your recipe.