May help prevent anemia

Blackstrap molasses is plant-based iron-rich food. As a result, it's frequently used as a supplement to treat iron deficiency anemia, a disorder caused by iron malabsorption or a lack of iron in the diet. It contains 2-3.5 times the iron of light and dark molasses, which are made after the first and second boilings of molasses, respectively. Furthermore, despite the fact that blackstrap molasses contains plant-based iron, which your body does not absorb as effectively as iron from meat, its iron bioavailability is approximately 85%, which is considered high.

The proportion of a nutrient that can enter your circulation and have an active impact is represented by its bioavailability. Blackstrap molasses is frequently advised in conjunction with other plant-based iron sources, such as leafy greens, soy products, and legumes.

May help prevent anemia
May help prevent anemia
May help prevent anemia
May help prevent anemia

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