May improve fertility in both men and women

Infertility affects around 15% of all couples attempting to conceive. Male infertility is the primary contributing factor in over half of these instances. When antioxidant levels are insufficient to combat free radical production in the reproductive system, several male infertility concerns arise. Cell death and decreased fertility can result from oxidative stress. NAC has been demonstrated to boost male fertility in some circumstances. Varicocele, which occurs when veins inside the scrotum swell due to free radical damage, is one disorder that contributes to male infertility. The primary therapy is surgery.

In one trial, 35 males with varicocele were given 600 mg of NAC daily for three months following surgery. When compared to the control group, the combination of surgery and NAC supplementation enhanced semen integrity and partner pregnancy rate by 22%. A previous trial of 468 infertile men revealed that taking 600 mg of NAC and 200 mcg of selenium for 26 weeks enhanced sperm quality. According to the researchers, this combination supplement should be evaluated as a therapy option for male infertility. Furthermore, NAC may increase fertility in women with PCOS by initiating or augmenting the ovulation cycle, however additional study is needed.

May improve fertility in both men and women
May improve fertility in both men and women
May improve fertility in both men and women
May improve fertility in both men and women

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