May improve mental health conditions and substance use disorder

NAC aids in the regulation of glutamate levels, the most essential neurotransmitter in your brain. While glutamate is essential for regular brain activity, excessive glutamate combined with glutathione deficiency can result in brain damage. This may exacerbate mental health disorders such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and drug use disorder. NAC may assist persons with bipolar illness and depression to reduce symptoms and improve overall function. Furthermore, evidence shows that it may be useful in the treatment of mild to severe OCD.

Similarly, animal research revealed that NAC may lessen the negative consequences of schizophrenia, such as social disengagement, lethargy, and short attention spans. NAC supplements can also help people with cocaine addiction reduce withdrawal symptoms and prevent relapse. Furthermore, early research suggests that NAC may reduce marijuana and nicotine usage and cravings. Many of these illnesses have little or no therapeutic options that are currently effective. NAC may be a beneficial treatment for persons suffering from these illnesses.

May improve mental health conditions and substance use disorder
May improve mental health conditions and substance use disorder
May improve mental health conditions and substance use disorder
May improve mental health conditions and substance use disorder

Toplist Joint Stock Company
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