May improve skin health
It has been demonstrated that lavender oil contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. As a result, it's applied topically to treat wounds and abrasions as well as inflammatory skin disorders including psoriasis and acne. Topical use of lavender oil for 14 days, every other day, dramatically reduced the extent of wounds in rats when compared to the control group, according to one research. The fundamental reason behind this is that lavender oil encouraged the production of the structural protein collagen. These findings imply that some varieties of lavender may encourage collagen production and skin healing.
The subsequent advantages for your skin are that it will delay the onset of aging. Well, as was already said above, lavender tea also contains potent antioxidants that work as both anti-inflammatory agents and fighters against free radicals, which are unquestionably bad for your skin. Your skin will experience several unfavorable consequences from free radicals, including wrinkles and dark pigmentation. They are all early aging symptoms. You should thus sip some lavender tea and let it help you within.