Medical Return
"Medical Return" is a captivating Manhwa that tells the story of Kim Jihyun, a disgraced surgeon who gets a rare opportunity to rewrite the script of his life. Fueled by regret and a burning desire for a better future, Kim Jihyun is transported back to his middle school days, armed with the knowledge of his past mistakes.
This second chance at life serves as a turning point for Kim Jihyun, who decides to make the most of it by dedicating himself to relentless studying. To become a wealthy dermatologist, a stark departure from his previous life as a destitute surgeon.
The story of "Medical Return" resonates with readers, highlighting the power of resilience, self-improvement, and the pursuit of one's dreams. It's a compelling tale that explores the theme of redemption and the unwavering determination to reshape one's destiny. Dive into "Medical Return" and witness the transformation of Kim Jihyun as he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement, all against the backdrop of a medical world teeming with challenges and opportunities.
- Author(s): Yeon Jae Joong, Yuin
- Genre(s): Action, Drama, Fantasy, School Life
- Status: Finished
- Chapters: 148
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