"Memorize" is an intriguing Manhwa that explores the themes of redemption and second chances in a world governed by supernatural forces. The story revolves around Kim Su Hyun, a man who has experienced profound loss. He wields an extraordinary power known as the [Zero Code], granting him control over time itself.
When Player Kim Su Hyun is given the opportunity to turn back time in Hall Plain, he seizes it, expressing a desire to return to a pivotal moment in his life, a decade prior. This sets the stage for an enthralling journey through time and memory, where Su Hyun must grapple with his past choices and confront the consequences of his actions.
"Memorize" is set in the same universe as "Second Coming of Gluttony," promising a rich and interconnected narrative that captivates readers with its thought-provoking storyline and engaging characters. With its blend of supernatural elements and emotional depth, "Memorize" is a Manhwa that keeps readers eagerly anticipating each new chapter.
- Author: Ro Yujin
- Genres: Action, Adventure, Romance, Supernatural, Tragedy
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 100
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