Return To Player
"Return to Player" is a gripping Manhwa that delves into a dystopian world where divine entities have transformed humanity into unwilling participants in a deadly game. Ten years prior, a group of gods subjected Earth's inhabitants to a sadistic game where they must hunt and slay real-life monsters or face their own demise. Sehan Kim, the story's protagonist, possesses unique insight into the game's grim outcome: everyone except him perishes.
Faced with a rare opportunity to rewind time and initiate a second playthrough, Sehan is unwavering in his determination to rewrite the game's narrative. His goal is clear: to defy the gods, outsmart their cruel scheme, and ensure humanity's survival. "Return to Player" promises readers an enthralling journey filled with action, strategy, and the relentless pursuit of redemption in a world where death is the ultimate consequence.
- Authors: UMKY, SEHON
- Genre: Action
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 127
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