The drama "Memorist" is based on the webtoon series of the same name and tells the story of Han Sun Mi (played by Lee Se Young), a talented police chief, and police officer Dong Baek (played by Yoo Seung Ho). The film is about their thrilling confrontation when they have to confront the outlaws. Unique and dangerous details promise to captivate viewers until the last minute.
Dong Baek is a detective with a remarkable talent: with just one touch, he can read anyone's memories. He didn't try to hide it, though, and from a young age always displayed his talent. Dong Baek has handled a variety of unique situations with his superhuman abilities. Han Sun Mi is the youngest person to pass the test for a criminal psychology doctorate and be promoted to manager in the police department. Even a supernaturally gifted detective has not been able to solve the many cold cases she has. When Dong Baek and Sun Mi meet up, they collaborate to take action against offenders and make sure they receive the just punishments under the law.
Detailed Information:
Genre: Criminal, Crime, Mystic, Thriller, Sensational
Directed by: So Jae Hyun, Kim Whee
Release date: 2020
Episodes: 16