Another traditional Ayurvedic therapy for fissure healing is milk. To relieve constipation, it is frequently used with ghee. The effectiveness of milk in healing cracks is dependent on how your body reacts. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a fatty acid, is found in higher fat milk. According to some studies, CLA supplementation may help lessen inflammatory reactions. Other research, however, has revealed that CLA supplementation may raise levels of inflammatory markers. Furthermore, previous research has connected consuming milk to cracks. Constipation and fissures were related to greater milk intake in a study of 60 newborns and young toddlers.
Another study found that 69% of patients who followed a milk-free diet for four weeks had healed fissures. However, after reintroducing milk into their diet, more than 20% of these persons saw a return of fissures. According to the researchers, this is only significant to persons who are hypersensitive to milk proteins. It is vital to remember that milk has no fiber, and a low-fiber diet is a primary cause of constipation. Although research on milk's therapeutic effects is limited, relaxing with a warm milk beverage before night may be useful.