
Netflix is a renowned site for watching movies online, offering a vast collection of films from various genres. Developed by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph, the platform was released in 1997 and has gained immense popularity worldwide, including in Italy.

Some highly recommended movies available on Netflix include "The Social Network," a gripping drama based on the founding of Facebook, "The Shawshank Redemption," a powerful tale of hope and friendship, and "Pulp Fiction," a cult classic directed by Quentin Tarantino. Netflix provides a diverse range of movies, ensuring there is something for every movie lover.

Netflix has become famous for its extensive library of movies and TV shows, as well as its original content. The platform's user-friendly interface, high-quality streaming, and personalized recommendations have contributed to its popularity. Netflix offers a wide range of categories, including action, comedy, drama, thriller, and more, catering to the diverse interests of its users.

Founded: 1997
Founders: Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph
Headquarters: Los Gatos, California, United States
Official Website:

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Top 15 Best Sites to Watch Movies Online for Free in Italia

  1. top 1 RaiPlay
  2. top 2 Mediaset Play
  3. top 3 Popcorn TV
  4. top 4 Chili Cinema
  5. top 5 Timvision
  6. top 6 Rai Cinema
  7. top 7 Amazon Prime Video
  8. top 8 Netflix
  9. top 9 Sky Go
  10. top 10 MUBI
  11. top 11 Rakuten TV
  12. top 12 Popcornflix
  13. top 13 Tubi
  14. top 14 Filmamo
  15. top 15 CB01

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