Tubi is a highly regarded site for watching movies online for free in Italy, offering a diverse selection of films from various genres. Developed by Tubi, Inc., the platform was released in 2014 and has gained immense popularity among Italian viewers.
Some highly recommended movies available on Tubi include "The Matrix," a groundbreaking sci-fi action film directed by the Wachowskis, "Goodfellas," a classic crime drama by Martin Scorsese, and "The Big Lebowski," a cult comedy from the Coen brothers. Tubi provides a wide range of movies, ensuring there is something for every movie lover.
Tubi has become famous for its extensive library of free movies, making it an attractive option for viewers looking for on-demand entertainment without any subscription fees. The platform's user-friendly interface, high-quality streaming, and regular addition of new movies have contributed to its popularity. Tubi offers a broad range of categories, including action, comedy, thriller, romance, and more, catering to diverse preferences.
Founded: 2014
Founder: Tubi, Inc.
Headquarters: San Francisco, California, United States
Official Website: https://www.tubi.tv/