Rakuten TV
Rakuten TV is a popular site to watch movies online for free in Italy, providing a vast selection of films from various genres. Developed by Rakuten, the platform was released in 2010 and has gained significant recognition among Italian viewers.
Some highly recommended movies available on Rakuten TV include "Inception," a mind-bending sci-fi thriller directed by Christopher Nolan, "The Godfather," a cinematic masterpiece by Francis Ford Coppola depicting the Italian-American mafia, and "The Pursuit of Happyness," an inspiring drama starring Will Smith. Rakuten TV offers a diverse range of movies, ensuring there is something for every taste and preference.
Rakuten TV has become famous for its user-friendly interface, high-quality streaming, and extensive library of movies. It provides a wide range of categories, including action, romance, comedy, and more, catering to the diverse interests of its users. The platform's popularity also stems from its association with Rakuten, a leading Japanese e-commerce and internet services company.
Founded: 2010
Founder: Rakuten
Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan
Official Website: https://rakuten.tv/